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Hello –

This is the last of four daily emails that orient us for 2016. The four emails focus on four different key words in our mission statement which is “following Jesus together in prayer, worship and service.”

Today I focus on “service.” “Service” means what Jesus points to in Matthew 25 when he says “surely as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

We are each blessed with opportunities to serve four populations in Marin:

1. Isolated Seniors (The Unbefriended). Twice a month a crew leaves the 10am service early to go lead a delightful little service at the San Rafael Health Care Center.

2. Those in Prison. There are seven inmates in San Quentin’s North Seg- Joseph, Tim, RC, Ted, Steve, Danny and Jonathan- who receive visits, letters and other support from St. Paul’s

3. Marginalized Youth. Four out of five weekday mornings folks from St. Paul’s serve hot breakfast at the County Community School for probationary youth. Every Friday from 3pm to 5pm we host Young Moms Marin, a support group (and so much more) for poor young mothers and children.

4. San Rafael’s Homeless and Precariously Housed. Folks from St. Paul’s prepare and hand out bags of groceries at the Ritter Center, prepare and serve food at the St. Vincent DePaul Society and serve and share a meal with people with the Marin Interfaith Street Chaplaincy.

If any of these spark your interest it would be my pleasure to connect you with the right people to help you explore more.

Prayer, worship and service are each icons of a different and essential dimension of spiritual growth. These three dimensions are the journey inward, the journey together and the journey outward.

May 2016 be a year of great blessing for you.


p: (415) 456-4842